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Advising and Supporting

     The Advising and Supporting competency (A/S) describes some of the necessary strategies, techniques, and skills to help student affairs educators better support students (ACPA & NASPA, 2015). The A/S competency advises that student affairs educators be versed in various theories having to do with student identity and development (ACPA & NASPA, 2015). Interacting with diverse populations will increase student affairs educators’ exposure to various student identities and perspectives. This will increase student affairs educators’ cultural awareness, respect, sense of collaboration, and communication tactics (ACPA & NASPA, 2015). The A/S competency is divided into the following sections: interpersonal skills; conflict and crisis situations; professional development; group dynamics; and partnering with others (ACPA & NASPA, 2015). As student affairs educators advance through the A/S competency they will be well-versed in conflict resolution, partnering with stakeholders, forming meaningful relationships, and working collaboratively.


     I believe I am in the intermediate level of the A/S competency. My Techniques of Counseling (HEA 622) course has played an important role in my development within this competency. HEA 622 helped me further develop my interpersonal skills so I may assess student needs while gathering crucial information about their academic performance. Through my HEA 622 course I was also able to identify various group dynamics, while engaging others in collaborative practices to promote the group and students’ well-being. Given my new acquired skills in the classroom and in my role as Lead AEGIS (Academic Enrichment and Grade Improvement Services) Mentor I can mediate conflict and crisis situations more proficiently. As a Lead AEGIS Mentor my role is to mentor and support students so  they may succeed in a rigorous academic environment. Through my role I also serve as a resource for the academic mentor staff, while guiding my peers and students to necessary resources.


    Moving through the A/S competency will help student affairs educators like myself develop their advising and supporting techniques (ACPA & NASPA, 2015). I plan on advancing within this competency by looking for opportunities in which I can learn more about supporting diverse student populations. I plan on looking for seminars, workshops or conferences that can enhance my advising and supporting skillset. I also believe my skillset will develop as I continue to interact with students in different facets of my career. Student affairs educators will further develop their interpersonal skills in advising and supporting by familiarizing themselves with various resources (ACPA & NASPA, 2015). I plan to familiarize myself with the appropriate resources within my institution, so I may guide my students and peers to the accurate support services. Advancing in the A/S competency will allow student affairs practioners to expand in their ability to manage group dynamics and improve upon their style of collaboration (ACPA & NASPA, 2015). Student affairs professionals should be able to respond and mediate crisis, while eventually being able to create space for dialogue as they advance in the A/S competency area (ACPA & NASPA, 2015).


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Read and workshopped this book to my senior capstone course HEA:625.
Main takeaways: power of vulnerability; working towards joy; and how can we cultivate empathy towards myself and others. 

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I attended the Western New York Advising Conference February of 2021 and 2022. This conference fosters a variety of professional and personal development oportunities for student affairs professionals who advise and support students. 

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Participated in the May 2022 Ep. of Bow Tie Chronicles Podcast. The episode focused on successful skills and techniques students can use as they approach their final exams.

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