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Student Learning & Development

    The Student Learning and Development competency (SLD) encourages the integration and practice of student develop theory (ACPA & NASPA, 2015).  The SLD competency encourages that practitioners engage in student development theory as individuals to explore their various identities as they relate to their practice so they may engage students in holistic development (ACPA & NASPA, 2015). Articulating and using student development theories will allow student affairs educators to create environments that foster student development (ACPA & NASPA, 2015). Most importantly, student affairs educators should recognize diversity amongst student populations and refrain from using student development theory via a one size fits all approach (ACPA & NASPA, 2015).


    I believe I am in the intermediate proficiency level of the SLD competency. My knowledge of student development theory has expanded through the Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration Student Development Theory course (HEA 617). Through this course I was able to identify various theories which attributed to my holistic development as a student. I was also able to learn about some of the theories which my students embody. Within this course I learned students can exemplify multiple theories and intersecting identities. Thus, I approach student development with an open mind and remind myself  there are theories which I have yet not studied or yet been developed. As a Lead Mentor within the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) under the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at Buffalo State College I have created programming to engage students in their personal and academic development. In ACE I have developed time management, study skill, and organizational workshops in collaboration with the academic mentors we employ. These workshops have helped our students develop some of the necessary skills to succeed academically and personally. Developing programming has helped me evolve creatively as a leader and future practitioner, while also intentionally fostering the skill development and training of our academic mentors.


    I believe that I can grow significantly in this competency through practice and academia. I would like to study theory to practice models, and revisit individual student development theories themselves so  I may apply theory more consistently in my practice.  I believe revisiting my notes and texts will help me achieve this. Recently I purchased a book which highlights ways in which student affairs educators can promote holistic development. As a practioner I hope to attend conferences centered around student identity and development. It will also be important for me to stay current with new literature regarding student development theory. As a soon to be full-time practioner, I can look at how my institution regards student development and promotes opportunities for the growth of the student population.


    The SLD competency suggests that student affairs educators should aim to use student development in their practice so they may engage students in holistic development (ACPA & NASPA, 2015). Through this competency, educators are encouraged to recognize the diverse experiences and forms of development across students, as well as professionals like themselves (ACPA & NASPA, 2015).  Student affairs should aim to create programming and various learning opportunities informed by student development theory (ACPA & NASPA, 2015).  Through the SLD competency, student affairs educators are also encouraged to assess and evaluate their engagement with student development theory so they may improve in their practice (ACPA & NASPA, 2015).




I created a flyer for my students to remind them of helpful techniques they could use to prepare for their final exams during Fall 2021

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I created a survival guide for students incoming freshmen in the EOP Summer Academy to outline important tasks they should aim to complete and behaviors they should implement as college students. 

Designed a workshop in Fall 2022, to engage students in how to ensure their success after midterms. Workshop covered academic/professional etiqutte with faculty and staff, as well as what kind of resources students should rely on.

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